
What criteria are the most important when you evaluate a logistics service provider? What is most important to you?

Fill in the question

 Transportation Price
 Transport Arrival Time
 Cargo Delivery Time
 Documents' processing time
 Quality of delivery (the absence of insured events)
 Quality of executed documents
 Relationship with the client manager
 Reliability of the fulfillment of all obligations
 Profitable offers from other companies
 Cargo transportation capacity
 Availability of delivery in required directions
 Company's transportation requirements

Are you satisfied with your partnership with SMARTLOG?

Fill in the question











Appraise SMARTLOG shipping rates:

Fill in the question











Please select from the list of reasons that may affect your decision to suspend cooperation with SMARTLOG (excluding price):

Fill in the question

 Delivery time
 Deadlines for document flow execution
 Quality of cargo delivery
 Quality of documents execution
 Customer Manager Relationship
 The ability to maintain the required load
 Availability of transportation in the necessary direction
 Deficiency of cargo

What can we improve in our work?

What other companies did you consider before choosing us?

May we contact you to clarify your answers if necessary?



Fill in the question